Elliot MArach
I have been collaborating with Jordan for the better part of nine months, and the changes I have made because of his coaching are ground breaking. At first, I was apprehensive: Life Coaching? Isn't that a bunch of heady, out there, feng shui stuff where someone basically tells you they know how to live your life better than you? Via Sex and the City or Real House Wives I had an imprint of a Life Coach that was going to be hard to break. Along with that, I was seeing a therapist weekly and worried that the two schools of thought would contradict each other. Needless to say, I stepped out of my comfort zone and started weekly sessions with Jordan. It was after the first few minutes of Jordan’s introductory did I realize I had it all wrong. His coaching is approachable, gentle, though provoking, inspiring, and is exactly what someone needs in order to continue to have an upward trajectory in life.
Whether it is about the audition room (I’m an actor), to a heart wrenching breakup, or finding a balance in daily mood swings, Jordan’s wealth of knowledge is applicable to everyone’s day in and day out. He coaches me on being the best person I can be through the lens of deliberate living, intentions, and desires. He helps make emotions that are overwhelmingly complex seem simple and actual. The best part of his approach? His clients are the ones that arrive to the answer. He continuously ask questions with the intent of helping me find the answer. And by going through that journey weekly, I have crafted a mastery of my mind that is stainless steal. If you feel like your life isn’t going anywhere, you’re ready for that next thing, or maybe you just need to find a quiet mind? Jordan Fife Hunt is exactly the person you need."
Hope Echols Jarman
Creator, Lady and the Vamps
"'Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.' Through coaching with Jordan I was able to identify things in my life that I did have the power to change, and take action to do so. My life has been enriched beyond measure through this process. Though at times it lead me to make drastic or severe changes that sometimes were very difficult, those changes were initiated by a desire. The desire for the life I knew I deserved and wanted for myself. Jordan has helped me in every aspect of my life. He is a light to the world and emulates what this process can do. I am externally grateful for his guidance and the support he has given me. Working with him is the best decision to date I could have ever made for myself."